Magical Diary: Horse Hall is an anime RPG developed by Hanako Games. Enter the grounds of a Magic School. Make friends, learn magic, study for exams, become the class representative, and find yourself a date for the upcoming celebrations! Be careful with your choices as you might as well get distracted by the secret cult, end up in extreme detention, unwillingly marry a professor, or the worst of them all — banished from the school!
Genre: Indépendant, Aventure, RPG
Langues: Anglais
Système d’exploitation: Windows, Mac, Linux
Date de publication: June 1, 2013
Développeurs: Hanako Games
Éditeur: Hanako Games
Configuration minimale du système
- Configuration système : Windows XP
- Processeur: 1GHz
- Mémoire: 512 MB RAM
- Graphique: DirectX compatible card
- Stockage: 150 MB
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