The fourth, modern installment of the Sudden Strike franchise is a modern take on the classic series. It offers new graphics and a modern take on game design, put over the old theme of the series, World War 2.
You will once again fight in the greatest war in the history of the world. The new game introduces commanders which will change how you play the game and over 20 single player scenarios. With the new possibilities of multiplayer gaming, this mode will be better than ever.
Genre: Stratégie
Langues: Allemand, Anglais, Coréen, Espagnol, Castillan, Français, Italien, Japonais, Polonais, Russe, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Système d’exploitation: Windows, Mac, Linux
Date de publication: August 11, 2017
Développeurs: Fireglow
Éditeur: Kalypso Media
Configuration minimale du système
- Configuration système : Windows 10
- Processeur: Intel Core i5-4590
- Mémoire: 8 GB RAM
- Graphique: Nvidia Geforce GTX 980
- Stockage: 12 GB
Configuration système recommandée
- Configuration système : Windows 10 64bit
- Processeur: Core i5-3470 3.2GHz
- Mémoire: 8 GB RAM
- Graphique: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
- Stockage: 12 GB
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