Tic-Toc Tower is an adventure puzzle platformer developed by Sneaky Games. Time is passing by so fast! Literally! This generous game provides you with 10 seconds to complete a level, another generous offer is an extra watch item to prolong your efforts for 2 additional seconds! Solve enchanting and unique puzzles that will push your puzzle solving skills to your very limits. Tic toc friends, tic toc.
Genre: Action, Indépendant, Puzzle, Plateforme, Aventure
Langues: Anglais, Espagnol, Castillan, Français, Japonais, Néerlandais, Flamand
Système d’exploitation: Windows, Mac, Linux
Date de publication: August 6, 2015
Développeurs: Sneaky Games
Éditeur: SOEDESCO Publishing
Configuration minimale du système
- Configuration système : Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1
- Processeur: Duo core, 1.87Ghz
- Mémoire: 2 GB RAM
- Graphique: DX9 supported card or onboard graphics.
- Stockage: 300 MB
Configuration système recommandée
- Configuration système : Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1
- Processeur: I3 Proccessor
- Mémoire: 4 GB RAM
- Graphique: Any card above the Nvidia 600 series
- Stockage: 300 MB
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